Yorc Server Configuration

Yorc has various configuration options that could be specified either by command-line flags, configuration file or environment variables.

If an option is specified several times using flags, environment and config file, command-line flag will have the precedence then the environment variable and finally the value defined in the configuration file.

Globals Command-line options

  • --ansible_use_openssh: Prefer OpenSSH over Paramiko a Python implementation of SSH (the default) to provision remote hosts. OpenSSH have several optimization like reusing connections that should improve preformance but may lead to issues on older systems.
  • --ansible_debug: Prints massive debug information from Ansible especially about connections
  • --ansible_connection_retries: Number of retries in case of Ansible SSH connection failure.
  • --ansible_cache_facts: If set to true, caches Ansible facts (values fetched on remote hosts about network/hardware/OS/virtualization configuration) so that these facts are not recomputed each time a new operation is a run for a given deployment (false by default: no caching).
  • --ansible_archive_artifacts: If set to true, archives operation bash/python scripts locally, copies this archive and unarchives it on remote hosts (requires tar to be installed on remote hosts), to avoid multiple time consuming remote copy operations of individual scripts (false by default: no archive).
  • --ansible_job_monitoring_time_interval: Default duration for monitoring time interval for jobs handled by Ansible (defaults to 15s).
  • --ansible_keep_generated_recipes: If set to true, generated Ansible recipes on Yorc server are not deleted. (false by default: generated recipes are deleted).
  • --operation_remote_base_dir: Specify an alternative working directory for Ansible on provisioned Compute.
  • --config or -c: Specify an alternative configuration file. By default Yorc will look for a file named config.yorc.json in /etc/yorc directory then if not found in the current directory.
  • --consul_address: Specify the address (using the format host:port) of Consul. Consul default is used if not provided.
  • --consul_token: Specify the security token to use with Consul. No security token used by default.
  • --consul_datacenter: Specify the Consul’s datacenter to use. Consul default (dc1) is used by default.
  • --consul_key_file: Specify the Consul client’s key to use when commuicating over TLS.
  • --consul_cert_file: Specify the Consul client’s certificate to use when commuicating over TLS.
  • --consul_ca_cert: Specify the CA used to sign Consul certificates.
  • --consul_ca_path: Specify the path to the CA used to sign Consul certificates
  • --consul_ssl: If set to true, enable SSL (false by default).
  • --consul_ssl_verify: If set to false, disable Consul certificate checking (true by default is ssl enabled).
  • --consul_tls_handshake_timeout: Maximum duration to wait for a TLS handshake with Consul, the default is 50s.
  • --terraform_keep_generated_files: If set to true, generated Terraform infrastructures files on Yorc server are not deleted. (false by default: generated files are deleted).
  • --consul_publisher_max_routines: Maximum number of parallelism used to store key/values in Consul. If you increase the default value you may need to tweak the ulimit max open files. If set to 0 or less the default value (500) will be used.
  • --graceful_shutdown_timeout: Timeout to wait for a graceful shutdown of the Yorc server. After this delay the server immediately exits. The default is 5m.
  • --wf_step_graceful_termination_timeout: Timeout to wait for a graceful termination of a workflow step during concurrent workflow step failure. After this delay the step is set on error. The default is 2m.
  • --purged_deployments_eviction_timeout: When a deployment is purged an event is kept to let a chance to external systems to detect it via the events API, this timeout controls the retention time of such events. The default is 30m.
  • --http_address: Restrict the listening interface for the Yorc HTTP REST API. By default Yorc listens on all available interfaces
  • --http_port: Port number for the Yorc HTTP REST API. If omitted or set to ‘0’ then the default port number is used, any positive integer will be used as it, and finally any negative value will let use a random port.
  • --keep_operation_remote_path: If set to true, do not delete temporary artifacts on provisioned Compute at the end of deployment (false by default for deployment temporary artifacts cleanup).
  • --key_file: File path to a PEM-encoded private key. The key is used to enable SSL for the Yorc HTTP REST API. This must be provided along with cert_file. If one of key_file or cert_file is not provided then SSL is disabled.
  • --cert_file: File path to a PEM-encoded certificate. The certificate is used to enable SSL for the Yorc HTTP REST API. This must be provided along with key_file. If one of key_file or cert_file is not provided then SSL is disabled.
  • --ca_file: If set to true, enable TLS certificate checking. Must be provided with cert_file ; key_file and ca_file. Disabled by default.
  • --ssl_verify: If set to true, enable TLS certificate checking for clients of the Yorc’s API. Must be provided with cert_file ; key_file and ca_file. Disabled by default.
  • --plugins_directory: The name of the plugins directory of the Yorc server. The default is to use a directory named plugins in the current directory.
  • --locations_file_path: File path to locations configuration. This configuration is taken in account for the first time the server starts.
  • --resources_prefix: Specify a prefix that will be used for names when creating resources such as Compute instances or volumes. Defaults to yorc-.
  • --tasks_dispatcher_long_polling_wait_time: Wait time (Golang duration format) when long polling for executions tasks to dispatch to workers. If not set the default value of 1m will be used.
  • --tasks_dispatcher_lock_wait_time: Wait time (Golang duration format) for acquiring a lock for an execution task. If not set the default value of 50ms will be used.
  • --workers_number: Yorc instances use a pool of workers to handle deployment tasks. This option defines the size of this pool. If not set the default value of 30 will be used.
  • --working_directory or -w: Specify an alternative working directory for Yorc. The default is to use a directory named work in the current directory.
  • --server_id: Specify the server ID used to identify the server node in a cluster. The default is the hostname.
  • --disable_ssh_agent: Allow disabling ssh-agent use for SSH authentication on provisioned computes. Default is false. If true, compute credentials must provide a path to a private key file instead of key content.
  • --concurrency_limit_for_upgrades: Limit of concurrency used in Upgrade processes. If not set the default value of 1000 will be used.
  • --ssh_connection_timeout: Timeout to establish SSH connection from Yorc SSH client, especially used for Slurm and HostsPool locations. If not set the default value of 10 s will be used.

Configuration files

Configuration files are either JSON or YAML formatted as a single object containing the following configuration options. By default Yorc will look for a file named config.yorc.json in /etc/yorc directory then if not found in the current directory. The –config command line flag allows to specify an alternative configuration file.

Below is an example of configuration file.

  "resources_prefix": "yorc1-",
  "locations_file_path": "path-to-locations-yaml-or-json-config"

Below is an example of configuration file with TLS enabled.

  "resources_prefix": "yorc1-",
  "key_file": "/etc/pki/tls/private/yorc.key",
  "cert_file": "/etc/pki/tls/certs/yorc.crt",
  "locations_file_path": "path-to-locations-yaml-or-json-config"
  • key_file: Equivalent to –key_file command-line flag.
  • ca_file: Equivalent to –ca_file command-line flag.

Ansible configuration

Below is an example of configuration file with Ansible configuration options.

  "resources_prefix": "yorc1-",
  "locations_file_path": "path-to-locations-yaml-or-json-config",
  "ansible": {
    "use_openssh": true,
    "connection_retries": 3,
    "hosted_operations": {
      "unsandboxed_operations_allowed": false,
      "default_sandbox": {
        "image": "jfloff/alpine-python:2.7-slim",
        "entrypoint": ["python", "-c"],
        "command": ["import time;time.sleep(31536000);"]
    "config": {
      "defaults": {
        "display_skipped_hosts": "False",
        "special_context_filesystems": "nfs,vboxsf,fuse,ramfs,myspecialfs",
        "timeout": "60"
      "target_hosts:vars": ["ansible_python_interpreter=/usr/bin/python3"]

All available configuration options for Ansible are:

  • hosted_operations: This is a complex structure that allow to define the behavior of a Yorc server when it executes an hosted operation. For more information about hosted operation please see The hosted operations paragraph in the TOSCA support section. This structure contains the following configuration options:

    • unsandboxed_operations_allowed: This option control if operations can be executed directly on the system that hosts Yorc if no default sandbox is defined. This is not permitted by default.
    • default_sandbox: This complex structure allows to define the default docker container to use to sandbox orchestrator-hosted operations. Bellow configuration options entrypoint and command should be carefully set to run the container and make it sleep until operations are executed on it. Defaults options will run a python inline script that sleeps for 1 year.

      • image: This is the docker image identifier (in the docker format [repository/]name[:tag]) is option is required.
      • entrypoint: This allows to override the default image entrypoint. If both entrypoint and command are empty the default value for entrypoint is ["python", "-c"].
      • command: This allows to run a command within the container. If both entrypoint and command are empty the default value for command is ["import time;time.sleep(31536000);"].
      • env: An optional list environment variables to set when creating the container. The format of each variable is var_name=value.
      • config and inventory are complex structure allowing to configure Ansible behavior, these options are described in more details in next section.

Ansible config option

config is a complex structure allowing to define Ansible configuration settings if you need a specific Ansible Configuration.

You should first provide the Ansible Configuration section (for example defaults, ssh_connection…).

You should then provide the list of parameters within this section, ie. what Ansible documentation describes as the Ini key within the Ini Section. Each parameter value must be provided here as a string : for a boolean parameter, you would provide the string False or True as expected in Ansible Confiugration. For example, it would give in Yaml:

      display_skipped_hosts: "False"
      special_context_filesystems: "nfs,vboxsf,fuse,ramfs,myspecialfs"
      timeout: "60"

By default, the Orchestrator will define these Ansible Configuration settings :

  • host_key_checking: "False", to avoid host key checking by the underlying tools Ansible uses to connect to the host
  • timeout: "30", to set the connection timeout to 30 seconds
  • stdout_callback: "yaml", to display ansible output in yaml format
  • nocows: "1", to disable cowsay messages that can cause parsing issues in the Orchestrator

And when ansible fact caching is enabled, the Orchestrator adds these settings :

  • gathering: "smart", to set Ansible fact gathering to smart: each new host that has no facts discovered will be scanned
  • fact_caching: "jsonfile", to use a json file-based cache plugin


Be careful when overriding these settings defined by default by the Orchestrator, as it might lead to unpredictable results.

Ansible inventory option

inventory is a structure allowing to configure Ansible inventory settings if you need to define variables for hosts or groups.

You should first provide the Ansible Inventory group name. You should then provide the list of parameters to define for this group, which can be any parameter specific to your ansible playbooks, or behavioral inventory parameters describing how Ansible interacts with remote hosts.

For example, for Ansible to use python3 on remote hosts, you must define the Ansible behavioral inventory parameter ansible_python_interpreter in the Ansible inventory Yorc configuration, like below in Yaml:

    - ansible_python_interpreter=/usr/bin/python3

By default, the Orchestrator will define :

  • an inventory group target_hosts containing the list of remote hosts, and its associated variable group target_hosts:vars configuring by default this behavioral parameter:
    • ansible_ssh_common_args="-o ConnectionAttempts=20"
  • an inventory group hosted_operations and its associated variable group hosted_operations:vars for operations that are executed on the orchestrator host, configuring by default this behavioral parameter:
    • ansible_python_interpreter=/usr/bin/env python


Settings defined by the user take precedence over settings defined by the Orchestrator. Be careful when overriding these settings defined by default by the Orchestrator, as it might lead to unpredictable results.

Ansible performance considerations

As described in TOSCA Supported Operations implementations, Yorc supports these builtin implementations for operations to execute on remote hosts :

  • Bash scripts
  • Python scripts
  • Ansible Playbooks

It is recommended to implement operations as Ansible Playbooks to get the best execution performance.

When operations are not implemented using Ansible playbooks, see the Performance section on TOSCA Operations to improve the performance of scripts execution on remote hosts.

Consul configuration

Below is an example of configuration file with Consul configuration options.

  "resources_prefix": "yorc1-",
  "locations_file_path": "path-to-locations-yaml-or-json-config",
  "consul": {
    "address": "http://consul-host:8500",
    "datacenter": "dc1",
    "publisher_max_routines": 500

All available configuration options for Consul are:

Terraform configuration

Below is an example of configuration file with Terraform configuration options.

  "resources_prefix": "yorc1-",
  "locations_file_path": "path-to-locations-yaml-or-json-config",
  "terraform": {
    "plugins_dir": "home/yorc/terraform_plugins_directory",

All available configuration options for Terraform are:

Telemetry configuration

Telemetry configuration can only be done via the configuration file. By default telemetry data are only stored in memory. See Yorc Telemetry for more information about telemetry.

Below is an example of configuration file with telemetry metrics forwarded to a Statsd instance and with a Prometheus HTTP endpoint exposed.

  "resources_prefix": "yorc1-",
  "locations_file_path": "path-to-locations-yaml-or-json-config",
  "telemetry": {
    "statsd_address": "",
    "expose_prometheus_endpoint": true

All available configuration options for telemetry are:

  • service_name: Metrics keys prefix, defaults to yorc.
  • disable_hostname: Specifies if gauge values should not be prefixed with the local hostname. Defaults to false.
  • disable_go_runtime_metrics: Specifies Go runtime metrics (goroutines, memory, …) should not be published. Defaults to false.
  • statsd_address: Specify the address (in form <address>:<port>) of a statsd server to forward metrics data to.
  • statsite_address: Specify the address (in form <address>:<port>) of a statsite server to forward metrics data to.
  • expose_prometheus_endpoint: Specify if an HTTP Prometheus endpoint should be exposed allowing Prometheus to scrape metrics.

Tasks/Workers configuration

Below is an example of configuration file with Tasks configuration options.

resources_prefix: "yorc1-"
    long_polling_wait_time: "1m"
    lock_wait_time: "50ms"

Environment variables

  • YORC_CONSUL_SSL: Equivalent to –consul_ssl command-line flag.
  • YORC_CONSUL_STORE_TXN_TIMEOUT: Allows to activate the feature that packs ConsulStore operations into transactions. If set to a valid Go duration, operations are packed into transactions up to 64 ops. This timeout represent the time to wait for new operations before sending an incomplete (less than 64 ops) transaction to Consul.
  • YORC_HTTP_PORT: Equivalent to –http_port command-line flag.
  • YORC_KEY_FILE: Equivalent to –key_file command-line flag.
  • YORC_CERT_FILE: Equivalent to –cert_file command-line flag.
  • YORC_SSL_VERIFY: Equivalent to –ssl_verify command-line flag.
  • YORC_CA_FILE: Equivalent to –ca_file command-line flag.
  • YORC_SERVER_ID: Equivalent to –server_id command-line flag.
  • YORC_LOG: If set to 1 or DEBUG, enables debug logging for Yorc.

Locations configuration

A location allows Yorc to connect to an infrastructure. A location is identified uniquely by its name property. Its type property Specifies the infrastructure related to this location. Yorc can handle multiple locations of the same infrastructure.

Its properties property contains a map with all required information for the infrastructure connection.

The –locations_file_path option allows user to define the specific locations configuration file path. This configuration is taken in account for the first time the server starts and allows to populate locations for the Yorc cluster. In near future, a REST API will let users add, remove or update existing locations configured in Yorc.

This file can be written either in JSON or YAML format. Here is a JSON example of locations configuration:

"locations": [
  { "name": "myOpenstackLocation1",
    "type": "openstack",
    "properties": {
      "auth_url": "http://openstack:5000/v2.0",
      "tenant_name": "Tname",
      "tenant_id": "use_tid_or_tname",
      "user_name": "{{with (secret \"/secret/yorc/mysecret\").Raw}}{{.Data.value}}{{end}}",
      "password": "{{secret \"/secret/yorc/mysecret\" \"data=value\" | print}}",
      "region": "RegionOne",
      "private_network_name": "private-test",
      "public_network_name": "not_supported",
      "os_default_security_groups": ["default", "lax"]
  { "name": "myGoogleLocation1",
    "type": "google",
    "properties": {
      "application_credentials": "creds.json",
      "project": "my-project-ref"

Builtin locations types configuration

Here we have principal infrastructure configurations retrieved as location properties for a specified type.


OpenStack location type is openstack in lower case.

Property Name Description Data Type Required Default
auth_url Specify the authentication url for OpenStack (should be the Keystone endpoint ie: http://your-openstack:5000/v2.0). string yes  
tenant_id Specify the OpenStack tenant id to use. string Either this or tenant_name should be provided.  
tenant_name Specify the OpenStack tenant name to use. string Either this or tenant_id should be provided.  
user_domain_name Specify the domain name where the user is located (Identity v3 only). string yes (if use Identity v3)  
project_id Specify the ID of the project to login with (Identity v3 only). string Either this or project_name should be provided.  
project_name Specify the name of the project to login with (Identity v3 only). string Either this or project_id should be provided.  
user_name Specify the OpenStack user name to use. string yes  
password Specify the OpenStack password to use. string yes  
region Specify the OpenStack region to use string no RegionOne
private_network_name Specify the name of private network to use as primary adminstration network between Yorc and Compute instances. It should be a private network accessible by this instance of Yorc. string Required to use the PRIVATE keyword for TOSCA admin networks  
provisioning_over_fip_allowed This allows to perform the provisioning of a Compute over the associated floating IP if it exists. This is useful when Yorc is not deployed on the same private network than the provisioned Compute. boolean no false
default_security_groups Default security groups to be used when creating a Compute instance. It should be a comma-separated list of security group names list of strings no  
insecure Trust self-signed SSL certificates boolean no false
cacert_file Specify a custom CA certificate when communicating over SSL. You can specify either a path to the file or the contents of the certificate string no  
cert Specify client certificate file for SSL client authentication. You can specify either a path to the file or the contents of the certificate string no  
key Specify client private key file for SSL client authentication. You can specify either a path to the file or the contents of the key string no  


Kubernetes location type is kubernetes in lower case.

Property Name Description Data Type Required Default
kubeconfig Path or content of Kubernetes cluster configuration file* string no  
application_credentials Path or content of file containing credentials** string no  
master_url URL of the HTTP API of Kubernetes is exposed. Format: https://<host>:<port> string no  
ca_file Path to a trusted root certificates for server string no  
cert_file Path to the TLS client certificate used for authentication string no  
key_file Path to the TLS client key used for authentication string no  
insecure Server should be accessed without verifying the TLS certificate (testing only) boolean no  
job_monitoring_time_interval Default duration for job monitoring time interval string no 5s
  • kubeconfig is the path (accessible to Yorc server) or the content of a Kubernetes cluster configuration file. When kubeconfig is defined, other infrastructure configuration properties (master_url, keys or certificates) don’t have to be defined here.

    If neither kubeconfig nor master_url is specified, the Orchestrator will consider it is running within a Kubernetes Cluster and will attempt to authenticate inside this cluster.

  • application_credentials is the path (accessible to Yorc server) or the content of a file containing Google service account private keys in JSON format. This file can be downloaded from the Google Cloud Console at Google Cloud service account file. It is needed to authenticate against Google Cloud when the kubeconfig property above refers to a Kubernetes Cluster created on Google Kubernetes Engine, and the orchestrator is running on a host where gcloud is not installed.

Google Cloud Platform

Google Cloud Platform location type is google in lower case.

Property Name Description Data Type Required Default
project ID of the project to apply any resources to string yes  
application_credentials Path of file containing credentials* string no Google Application Default Credentials
credentials Content of file containing credentials string no Google Application Default Credentials
region The region to operate under string no  

application_credentials is the path (accessible to Yorc server) of a file containing service account private keys in JSON format. This file can be downloaded from the Google Cloud Console at Google Cloud service account file.

If no file path is specified in application_credentials and no file content is specified in credentials, the orchestrator will fall back to using the Google Application Default Credentials if any.


AWS location type is aws in lower case.

Property Name Description Data Type Required Default
access_key Specify the AWS access key credential. string yes  
secret_key Specify the AWS secret key credential. string yes  
region Specify the AWS region to use. string yes  


Slurm location type is slurm in lower case.

Property Name Description Data Type Required Default
user_name SSH Username to be used to connect to the Slurm Client’s node string yes (see below for alternatives)  
password SSH Password to be used to connect to the Slurm Client’s node string Either this or private_key should be provided  
private_key SSH Private key to be used to connect to the Slurm Client’s node string Either this or password should be provided  
url IP address of the Slurm Client’s node string yes  
port SSH Port to be used to connect to the Slurm Client’s node string yes  
default_job_name Default name for the job allocation. string no  
job_monitoring_time_interval Default duration for job monitoring time interval string no 5s
enforce_accounting If true, account properties are mandatory for jobs and computes boolean no false
keep_job_remote_artifacts If true, job artifacts are not deleted at the end of the job. boolean no false

An alternative way to specify user credentials for SSH connection to the Slurm Client’s node (user_name, password or private_key), is to provide them as application properties. In this case, Yorc gives priority to the application provided properties. Moreover, if all the applications provide their own user credentials, the configuration properties user_name, password and private_key, can be omitted. See Working with jobs for more information.

Storage configuration

Different artifacts (topologies, logs, events, tasks…) are stored by Yorc during an application deployment.

Previously, everything was stored in Consul KV. Starting with version 4.0.0, we choosed to refactor the way Yorc stores data mainly for performance reasons, and also to make it more flexible. Yorc can now store the different kind of artifacts in different stores configured in a new section of the configuration file called storage.

If defined, the storage entry may specify the following properties:
  • the stores property allows to customize storage in a different way than the default one.
  • the default_properties allows to change properties settings for the default fileCache store.
  • The reset property allows to redefine the stores or to change properties for default stores when Yorc re-starts. If no set to true, the existing storage is used.
Property Name Description Data Type Required Default
reset See Storage reset note boolean no False
default_properties Properties for default fileCache store. See File cache properties map no  
stores Stores configuration array no See Store types

So now, users can configure different store types for storing the different kind of artifacts, and using different stores implementations.

Currently Yorc supports 3 store types:
  • Deployment
  • Log
  • Event
Yorc supports 3 store implementations:
  • consul
  • fileCache
  • cipherFileCache

By default, Log and Event store types use consul implementation, and Deployment store uses fileCache.

If these default settings correspond to your needs, the Yorc configuration file does not need to have a storage entry.

If you want to change properties for the default fileCache store for Deployment, you have to set the new values in the default_properties map. The cache_num_counters and cache_max_cost properties can be used to determine the cache size in function of the expected number of items. The default values are defined for about 100 deployments if we approximate a cache size of 100 K and 100 items for one single deployment. See Default cache size for file storage is too large.

Pay attention that the cache size must be defined in function of the Yorc host memory resources and a too large cache size can affect performances.

Here is a JSON example of updating default properties for cache used in fileCache store for Deployment:

"storage": {
  "reset": true,
    "cache_num_counters": 1e7,
    "cache_max_cost": 1e9

The same sample in YAML

  reset: true
    cache_num_counters: 1e7
    cache_max_cost: 1e9

A store configuration is defined with:

Property Name Description Data Type Required Default
name unique store ID string no generated
migrate_data_from_consul Log and Event data migration from consul. See note below. bool no false
implementation Store implementation. See Store implementations below. string yes  
types Store types handled by this instance. See Store types below. array yes  
properties Specific store implementation properties. map no  

migrate_data_from_consul allows to migrate data from consul to another store implementation. This is useful when a new store is configured (different from consul…) for logs or events.

Store types

Currently 3 different store types are supported by Yorc:


This store type contains data representing the Tosca topologies types (data, nodes, policies, artifacts, relationships, capabilities) and templates (nodes, polocies, repositories, imports, workflows).

Data in this store is written once when a topology is parsed, then read many times during application lifecycle. fileCache is the default implementation for this store type.


Store that contains the applicative logs, also present in Alien4Cloud logs. consul is the default implementation for this store type.

If you face some Consul memory usage issues, you can choose fileCache or cipherFileCache as logs may contains private information.


Store that contains the applicative events, also present in Alien4Cloud events. consul is the default implementation for this store type.

Store implementations

Currently Yorc provide 3 implementations with the following names:


This is the Consul KV store used by Yorc for main internal storage stuff. For example, the configuration of the stores is kept in the Consul KV. As Consul is already configurable here: Consul configuration, no other configuration is provided in this section.


This is a file store with a cache system.

Here are specific properties for this implementation:

Property Name Description Data Type Required Default
root_dir Root directory used for file storage string no work/store
cache_num_counters number of keys to track frequency of int64 no 1e5 (100 000)
cache_max_cost maximum cost of cache int64 no 1e7 (10 M)
cache_buffer_items number of keys per Get buffer int64 no 64
blocking_query_default_timeout default timeout for blocking queries string no 5m (5 minutes)

For more information on cache properties, you can refer to Ristretto README


This is a file store with a cache system and file data encryption (AES-256 bits key) which requires a 32-bits length passphrase.

Here are specific properties for this implementation in addition to fileCache properties:

Property Name Description Data Type Required Default
passphrase Passphrase used to generate the encryption key Required to be 32-bits length string yes  

Passphrase can be set with Secret function and retrieved from Vault as explained in the Vault integration chapter.

Here is a JSON example of stores configuration with a cipherFileStore implementation for logs.

"storage": {
  "reset": false,
  "stores": [
      "name": "myCipherFileStore",
      "implementation": "cipherFileCache",
      "migrate_data_from_consul": true,
      "types":  ["Log"],
      "properties": {
        "root_dir": "/mypath/to/store",
        "passphrase": "myverystrongpasswordo32bitlength"

The same sample in YAML

  reset: false
  - name: myCipherFileStore
    implementation: cipherFileCache
    migrate_data_from_consul: true
    - Log
      root_dir: "/mypath/to/store"
      passphrase: "myverystrongpasswordo32bitlength"

Stores configuration is saved once when Yorc server starts. If you want to re-initialize storage, you have to set the reset property to True and restart Yorc.


Pay attention that if any data is still existing after reset, Yorc will ignore it.

If no storage configuration is set, default stores implementations are used as defined previously to handle all store types (Deployment, Log and Event).

If any storage configuration is set with partial stores types, the missing store types will be added with default implementations.

Vault configuration

Due to the pluggable nature of vaults support in Yorc their configuration differ from other configurable options. A vault configuration option could be specified by either its configuration placeholder in the configuration file, a command line flag or an environment variable.

The general principle is for a configurable option option_1 it should be specified in the configuration file as following:

  "vault": {
    "type": "vault_implementation",
    "option_1": "value"

Similarly a command line flag with the name --vault_option_1 and an environment variable with the name YORC_VAULT_OPTION_1 will be automatically supported and recognized. The default order of precedence apply here.

type is the only mandatory option for all vaults configurations, it allows to select the vault implementation by specifying it’s ID. If the type option is not present either in the config file, as a command line flag or as an environment variable, Vault configuration will be ignored.

The integration with a Vault is totally optional and this configuration part may be leave empty.

Builtin Vaults configuration

HashiCorp’s Vault

This is the only builtin supported Vault implementation. Implementation ID to use with the vault type configuration parameter is hashicorp.

Bellow are recognized configuration options for Vault:

Option Name Description Data Type Required Default
address Address is the address of the Vault server. This should be a complete URL such as “https://vault.example.com”. string yes  
max_retries MaxRetries controls the maximum number of times to retry when a 5xx error occurs. Set to 0 or less to disable retrying. integer no 0
timeout Timeout is for setting custom timeout parameter in the HttpClient. string no  
ca_cert CACert is the path to a PEM-encoded CA cert file to use to verify the Vault server SSL certificate. string no  
ca_path CAPath is the path to a directory of PEM-encoded CA cert files to verify the Vault server SSL certificate. string no  
client_cert ClientCert is the path to the certificate for Vault communication. string no  
client_key ClientKey is the path to the private key for Vault communication string no  
tls_server_name TLSServerName, if set, is used to set the SNI host when connecting via TLS. string no  
tls_skip_verify Disables SSL verification boolean no false
token Specifies the access token to use to connect to vault. This is highly discouraged to this option in the configuration file as the token is a sensitive data and should not be written on disk. Prefer the associated environment variable string no  

Yorc Client CLI Configuration

This section is dedicated to the CLI part of yorc that covers everything except the server configuration detailed above. It focus on configuration options commons to all the commands. Sub commands may have additional options please use the cli help command to see them.

Just like for its server part Yorc Client CLI has various configuration options that could be specified either by command-line flags, configuration file or environment variables.

If an option is specified several times using flags, environment and config file, command-line flag will have the precedence then the environment variable and finally the value defined in the configuration file.

Command-line options

  • --ca_file: This provides a file path to a PEM-encoded certificate authority. This implies the use of HTTPS to connect to the Yorc REST API.
  • --ca_path: Path to a directory of PEM-encoded certificates authorities. This implies the use of HTTPS to connect to the Yorc REST API.
  • --cert_file: File path to a PEM-encoded client certificate used to authenticate to the Yorc API. This must be provided along with key-file. If one of key-file or cert-file is not provided then SSL authentication is disabled. If both cert-file and key-file are provided this implies the use of HTTPS to connect to the Yorc REST API.
  • -c or --config: config file (default is /etc/yorc/yorc-client.[json|yaml])
  • --key_file: File path to a PEM-encoded client private key used to authenticate to the Yorc API. This must be provided along with cert-file. If one of key-file or cert-file is not provided then SSL authentication is disabled. If both cert-file and key-file are provided this implies the use of HTTPS to connect to the Yorc REST API.
  • --skip_tls_verify: Controls whether a client verifies the server’s certificate chain and host name. If set to true, TLS accepts any certificate presented by the server and any host name in that certificate. In this mode, TLS is susceptible to man-in-the-middle attacks. This should be used only for testing. This implies the use of HTTPS to connect to the Yorc REST API.
  • -s or --ssl_enabled: Use HTTPS to connect to the Yorc REST API. This is automatically implied if one of --ca_file, --ca_path, --cert_file, --key_file or --skip_tls_verify is provided.
  • --yorc_api: specify the host and port used to join the Yorc’ REST API (default “localhost:8800”)

Configuration files

Configuration files are either JSON or YAML formatted as a single object containing the following configuration options. By default Yorc will look for a file named yorc-client.json or yorc-client.yaml in /etc/yorc directory then if not found in the current directory. The –config command line flag allows to specify an alternative configuration file.

  • ca_file: Equivalent to –ca_file command-line flag.
  • ca_path: Equivalent to –ca_path command-line flag.
  • key_file: Equivalent to –key_file command-line flag.
  • yorc_api: Equivalent to –yorc_api command-line flag.

Environment variables

  • YORC_CA_FILE: Equivalent to –ca_file command-line flag.
  • YORC_CA_PATH: Equivalent to –ca_path command-line flag.
  • YORC_CERT_FILE: Equivalent to –cert_file command-line flag.
  • YORC_KEY_FILE: Equivalent to –key_file command-line flag.
  • YORC_API: Equivalent to –yorc_api command-line flag.