Starting Yorc ============== Starting Consul --------------- Yorc requires a running Consul instance prior to be started. Here is how to start a standalone Consul server instance on the same host than Yorc: .. code-block:: bash consul agent -server -bootstrap-expect 1 -data-dir ./consul-data .. note:: Wait for the ``agent: Synced service 'consul'`` log message to appear before continuing Starting Yorc -------------- Please report to the :ref:`yorc_config_section` for an exhaustive list of Yorc' configuration options. At least OpenStack access configuration files should be provided either by command-line flags, environment variables or configuration elements. They are omitted bellow for brevity and considered as provided by a configuration file in one of the default location. Note that if you are using a passphrase on your ssh key, you have to start an ssh-agent before launching yorc. It is strongly recommended to start one by giving him a socket name. .. code-block:: bash eval `ssh-agent -a /tmp/ssh-sock` So in case of your ssh-agent process die, just restart it with the command above. If your ssh key does not have a passphrase, **do not start any ssh-agent** before starting yorc and make sure that environement variable SSH_AUTH_SOCK is not set. .. code-block:: bash killall ssh-agent unset SSH_AUTH_SOCK Then start yorc .. code-block:: bash yorc server